There is a debate between evolution and creation of life
in religious circles. I would say that i believe in both.
Evolution does not necessarily exclude divine creation.
Firstly, the existence of life depends on the laws of
nature. Life can only exist in some kinds of material
worlds, and God in His will ensured that our world has a
physics which allow for and lead to exactly the life
that God wills exists. Also, when animals evolve, it is
chaotic system which relies on random chance. But God
does not play dice, and what is seen as "random chance"
is actually guided by God. However, one must consider
that this is not gentle or weak guidance, as there are
many chance events constantly and God will always use
them to guide existence perfectly. Also, God does not do
things per se: "doing" is merely explanation for how
God's eternal nature manifests itself in the world. For
example, the law of entropy does not "do" anything when
it causes closed systems to become disordered, it's just
that things are set up in such a way that closed systems
do become more disordered. God is kind of like this, but
the principle He maintains is Goodness or Love. When God
is entirely behind the rules and nature of the world and
He has no fault, it cannot be said that evolution is
somehow not a form of divine creation.